1516 E Colonial Drive #201, Orlando, FL 32803

Four Qualities of a Trustworthy Process Server

Four Qualities of a Trustworthy Process Server

Four Qualities of a Trustworthy Process Server

Did you know that you require the service of a process server to deliver court documents when you sue someone? Process servers are an important step in the legal process, as they are responsible for delivering that popular line ‘You’ve been served’ to those that have done you wrong. Well, maybe not all process servers say that line, but they still serve the papers to alert the defendant that a court case has been filed against them. In order to do this job, a process server in Orlando must possess certain qualifications and qualities.


When you hire the services of a process server, you trust that they can deliver your court documents in a timely manner. You want punctuality to be one of their top traits, as the legal process cannot start until they inform the defendant of the lawsuit that has been filed. Once the defendant receives the documents from the process server, you can officially begin the next steps.


People often try to avoid process servers, as they do not actually want to confront the fact that they are being sued. They may try to run away, not answer their doors, or just hide from the process server when they see them coming. A persistent and determined process server will not let this get in the way of their job. Their persistence ensures that they will do everything they can to find the defendant and deliver those documents.


You want your process server to be calm and collected. They should not have a temper or an attitude, as this can deter them from completing the job, or it can create conflict during the delivery. By remaining calm, a process server can listen to any nasty words or name-calling the defendant may have for them and still not care. After all, they are just the messenger.

Licensed and Insured

Having the right personality is one thing but having a licensed and insured professional profile is another. When you choose a process server, be sure to take into account their credentials. Licensed process servers have gone through the training and certification process to work with your legal team and deliver the job without error, which is extremely critical to keep your lawsuit on track. Insurance also protects them while they are out performing their job responsibilities. When they have these credentials, you can trust that they will get the job done right.

Process servers that have these qualities will stand out above the rest, and they will deliver the court documents in a timely manner without delaying your case. If you are looking for a trustworthy, experienced process server in Orlando, trust the team at Central Florida Process.

Contact us to request the services of our process servers today!